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About JHigh FitBiz

JHigh FitBiz is a Health Coaching/Personal Training business owned by Jocelyn Hightower.  Our goal is to lower the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and childhood obesity, through movement and nutrition. 

B.S. in Health Education from Johnson C. Smith University, ISSA Fitness Nutrition Certified, ISSA Youth and Teen Trainer Certified.  Jocelyn Hightower has been training for over 10 years! JHigh FitBiz is a traveling trainer that comes to the client.  This allows no excuses! JHigh FitBiz  offers one on one hands on training, group training, strength and conditioning for athletes, personalized workout plans, and personalized nutrition plans for whatever goals are being met.  Consultations are free! JHigh FitBiz understands that life happens.  We are the coach that is needed to motivate you to live a healthier lifestyle.    



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Jocelyn Hightower



Owner of JHigh FitBiz

I'm a wife and mother that understands the hard work it is to stay healthy and in shape.  After the birth of my daughter I was diagnosed with Graves Disease.  After being diagnosed I told myself I couldn't see myself on medication for the rest of my life, so I researched ways of how to regulate my thyroid through nutrition, and utilizing my degree in Health Education.


Wake up and Workout.

Get in Touch

Phone: 704-287-7230

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